Top Traders Interview with Ilan Levy Mayer
These top traders interviews have been conducted by Ilan Levy Mayer, Vice President and Senior Broker at Cannon Trading Company.
John Netto
Starting our interview series, we have a conversation with John Netto,the creator of the Netto Number, the Risk Factor Compensation System, and the Protean Strategy. He is a cross-asset class trader and author of The Global Macro Edge: Maximizing Return Per Unit-of-Risk.
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Carolyn Boroden
In our next interview, we have a conversation with Carolyn Boroden who is a Commodity Trading Advisor and technical analyst and has been involved in the trading industry for over 25 years.
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Peter Davies
In this installment of our interview series, we have a conversation with Peter Davies, founder of Jigsaw Trading, entered the world of trading in the mid 2000's. Peter is also the author of the "Order Flow Foundation Course".
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