Intraday Trading

Intraday Trading

Futures Trading Levels & Economic Reports for June 29th 2010

June 29th, 2010 Filed under Day Trading, Future Trading News, Futures Trading | Comment (0)

Not much to say.. quiet session and in my opinion very few intraday set ups if at all..

Trading Levels:

Futures Trading Levels for June 29th 2010

Futures Trading Levels for June 29th 2010

Date ET Release For Actual Consensus Prior Revised From
  • Jun 29 09:00 Case-Shiller 20-city Index Apr NA 3.5% 2.3%
  • Jun 29 10:00 Consumer Confidence Jun NA 62.0 63.3
  • Jun 30 08:15 ADP Employment Change Jun NA 56 55
  • Jun 30 09:45 Chicago PMI Jun NA 59.5 59.7
  • Jun 30 10:30 Crude Inventories 06/26 NA NA NA
  • Jul 01 08:30 Continuing Claims 06/19 NA NA NA
  • Jul 01 08:30 Initial Claims 06/26 NA NA NA
  • Jul 01 10:00 Construction Spending May NA -0.9% 2.7%
  • Jul 01 10:00 ISM Index Jun NA 58.8 59.7
  • Jul 01 10:00 Pending Home Sales May NA -10.5% 6.0%
  • Jul 01 14:00 Auto Sales Jun NA NA 3.9M
  • Jul 01 14:00 Truck Sales Jun NA NA 5.2M
  • Jul 02 08:30 Nonfarm Payrolls Jun NA -70K 431K
  • Jul 02 08:30 Unemployment Rate Jun NA 9.7% 9.7%
  • Jul 02 08:30 Hourly Earnings Jun NA 0.1% 0.3%
  • Jul 02 08:30 Average Workweek Jun NA 34.2 34.2
  • Jul 02 10:00 Factory Orders May NA -0.6% 1.2%

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