E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures

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E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures

Current E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures | Futures Prices

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E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures Trading Chart updated December 25th, 2023

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E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures Contract Specifications


Product Symbol PC


Contract Size Each futures contract shall be valued at $100 times the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. The S&P SmallCap 600 Index is a broadly based, capitalization-weighted average representing smaller equity securities within the domestic equity marketplace.


Venue CME Globex


CME Globex Hours (Electronic Platform) MON-THURS: 5:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. & 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Daily maintenance shutdown 4:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.) SUN: 5:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m.


Minimum Fluctuation Bids and offers shall be quoted in terms of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. The minimum fluctuation of the futures contract shall be 0.10 index points, equivalent to $10.00 per contract. Trades may also occur in multiples of 0.05 index points per contract $5.00 for E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures calendar spreads executed as simultaneous transactions pursuant to Rule 542.A.


Position Limits

A person shall not own or control more than 25,000 S&P SmallCap 600 contracts or equivalent contract net long or net short in all contract months combined. For purposes of this rule, an E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index contract shall be deemed equivalent to one fifth (0.20) of a S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures contract.For positions involving options on E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures, this rule is superseded by the option speculative positions limit rule.


Accumulation of Positions For purposes of this rule, the positions of all accounts directly or indirectly owned or controlled by a person or persons, and the positions of all accounts of a person or persons acting pursuant to an expressed or implied agreement or understanding, and the positions of all accounts in which a person or persons have a proprietary or beneficial interest, shall be cumulated.


Exemptions The foregoing position limits shall not apply to bona fide hedge positions meeting the requirements of Regulation 1.3(z)(1) of the CFTC and the rules of the Exchange, and shall not apply to arbitrage positions and inter-commodity spread positions subject to Rule 559.


Listed Contracts

CME Globex:Four Months in the March Quarterly Cycle (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)

Open Outcry: Four months in the March Quarterly Cycle (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)


Last Trade Date/Time

Open Outcry: 3:15 p.m. on Thursday prior to 3rd Friday of the contract month

CME Globex: Trading can occur up to 8:15 a.m. on the 3rd Friday of the contract month


Termination of Trading

Futures trading shall terminate 15 minutes prior to the regularly scheduled start of trading at the NYSE on the day scheduled for the determination of the Final Settlement Day.

After trading in contracts for future delivery in the current delivery month has ceased, outstanding contracts for such delivery shall be liquidated by cash settlement as prescribed in Rule 26103.


Price Limits

Daily price limits and trading halts of the E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures contract shall be coordinated with trading halts of the underlying securities listed for trading in the securities markets.

For the purpose of this rule, the primary futures contract shall be defined as the nearest E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures contract month. Exchange staff shall have the responsibility of determining whether the primary futures contract is limit offered.

For the first day of trading in a newly listed contract, there will be an implied previous business day's settlement price, created by the Exchange for the sole purpose of establishing price limits. The implied settlement price will be created by extrapolating the annualized percentage carry between the two contract months immediately prior to the newly listed contract.

There shall be Price Limits corresponding to a 10.0%, 20.0% and 30.0% decline below the Settlement Price of the preceding RTH session calculated as provided below. The Price Limits shall be calculated at the beginning of each calendar quarter, based upon the average closing price of the current primary futures contract, during the month prior to the beginning of the quarter (P) and rounded, as follows.

5.0% Price Limit equals One half of the 10% Price Limit rounded down to nearest integral multiple of 1 index point

10.0% Price Limit equals 10% of P rounded down to nearest integral multiple of 10 index points

20.0% Price Limit equals 2 times the 10.0% Price Limit

30.0% Price Limit equals 3 times the 10.0% Price Limit

When the primary futures contract is limit offered at the 10.0% Price Limit, a 10-minute period shall commence. If the primary futures contract is limit offered at the end of the 10-minute period, trading shall terminate for a period of two minutes, after which time the market shall reopen. The next applicable price Limit shall apply to such reopening.

When the primary futures contract is limit offered at the 20.0% Price Limit, a 10-minute period shall commence. If the primary futures contract is limit offered at the end of the 10-minute period, trading shall terminate for a period of two minutes, after which time the market shall reopen. The next applicable price Limit shall apply to such reopening.


Trading Halts

If there is an NYSE Rule 80B trading halt declared in the primary securities market, trading shall be halted. Once trading in the primary securities market resumes after an NYSE Rule 80B trading halt, trading on the E–Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures contract shall resume.

If an NYSE Rule 80B trading halt becomes inapplicable, the corresponding Price Limit shall likewise become inapplicable. E.g., if an NYSE Rule 80B trading halt, triggered by a 10% or a 20% decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, has been declared in the primary securities market, and trading in the primary securities market has recommenced, then the 10.0% or 20.0% Price Limits shall become inapplicable, respectively. E.g., when the NYSE Rule 80B 10.0% price limit provisions are suspended after 2:30 p.m. Eastern time, then the 10.0% Price Limit shall become inapplicable. Trading on the E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures contract shall continue and the next applicable Price Limit shall apply.


Opening Time

The opening time of trading on GLOBEX will be the same as the opening time of GLOBEX trading of S&P 500 contracts. In particular, the opening time of GLOBEX trading will be delayed until 6:00 p.m. if GLOBEX trading of S&P 500 contracts is delayed until 6:00 p.m.

During Electronic Trading Hours (ETH), there shall be no trading of E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 futures at a price more than the 5.0% Price Limit above or below the Reference RTH Price. If the market is limit bid or limit offered fifteen (15) minutes prior to the opening of the RTH, and remains limit bid or limit offered five (5) minutes prior to the opening of the RTH, there shall be a trading halt in effect until the commencement of Regular Trading hours (RTH). During the trading halt, the Exchange shall provide an indicative opening price for the re-opening of trading on GLOBEX, if applicable, pursuant to Rule 573. Once RTH commences, the next applicable trading limit shall be in effect.


Final Settlement Price

The Final Settlement Price shall be a special quotation of the Standard & Poor’s SmallCap 600 Stock Price Index based on the opening prices of the component stocks in the index, determined on the third Friday of the contract month.

If the S&P SmallCap 600 Index is not scheduled to be published on the third Friday of the contract month, the Final Settlement Price shall be determined on the first earlier day for which the Index is scheduled to be published.

If the primary market for a component stock in the index does not open on the day scheduled for determination of the Final Settlement Price, then the price of that stock shall be determined, for the purposes of calculating the Final Settlement Price, based on the opening price of that stock on the next day that its primary market is open for trading.

If a component stock in the index does not trade on the day scheduled for determination of the Final Settlement Price while the primary market for that stock is open for trading, the price of that stock shall be determined, for the purposes of calculating the Final Settlement Price, based on the last sale price of that stock. However, if the President of the Exchange or his delegate determines that there is a reasonable likelihood that trading in the stock shall occur shortly, the President or his delegate may instruct that the price of stock shall be based, for the purposes of calculating the Final Settlement Price, on the opening price of the stock on the next day that it is traded on its primary market. Factors to be considered in determining whether trading in the stock is likely to occur shortly shall include the nature of the event and recent liquidity levels in the affected stock.


Final Settlement Day

Clearing members holding open positions in an E-Mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index futures contract at the time of termination of trading in that contract shall make payment to or receive payment from the Clearing House in accordance with normal variation performance bond procedures based on a settlement price equal to the final settlement price.


Grade and Quality Specifications Please see rulebook chapter 26


Exchange Rule These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CBOT.


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