Crude Oil Futures Trading

Crude Oil Futures Trading

Trading Crude Oil Futures: Strategies, Techniques, and Considerations

August 20th, 2023 Filed under Crude Oil | Comment (0)

Learn more about trading crude oil futures with Cannon Trading Company here.

Trading crude oil futures is a dynamic and potentially lucrative endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the energy markets, technical analysis, risk management, and trading strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of crude oil futures trading, focusing on a specific type of crude oil, discussing relevant exchanges, exploring day trading techniques for futures, and touching on techniques for trading crude oil options on futures. Additionally, we will highlight the services of Cannon Trading Company, known for their customer service excellence and high TrustPilot rating.

Understanding Crude Oil Futures Trading

Crude oil is a crucial global commodity that not only fuels economies but also presents trading opportunities for individuals and institutions. Crude oil futures contracts allow traders to speculate on the price movements of oil, whether they anticipate its price to rise (go long) or fall (go short). Futures contracts provide a standardized way to buy or sell a specific quantity of crude oil at a predetermined price on a future date.

Types of Crude Oil: When trading crude oil futures, it’s important to consider the different types of crude oil. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude are two of the most widely traded types. WTI is primarily produced in the United States and is known for its relatively low sulfur content. Brent crude, on the other hand, is sourced from the North Sea and is considered a global benchmark for oil prices.

Exchanges for Crude Oil Futures: Crude oil futures are traded on various exchanges around the world, with the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) being two prominent ones. NYMEX offers WTI crude oil futures, while ICE provides Brent crude oil futures. These exchanges provide liquidity, price discovery, and a platform for traders to engage in both speculation and risk management.

Day Trading Techniques for Crude Oil Futures

Day trading involves opening and closing positions within the same trading day, capitalizing on short-term price movements. Trading crude oil futures using day trading techniques requires discipline, a solid strategy, and an understanding of market dynamics.

  1. Technical Analysis: Day traders often rely on technical analysis, using indicators such as moving averages, MACD, RSI, and candlestick patterns to identify entry and exit points. Price charts and patterns can provide insights into potential price movements.
  2. Volatility Analysis: Crude oil markets can be highly volatile, presenting both opportunities and risks. Traders can use tools like the Average True Range (ATR) to gauge volatility and adjust their position sizing and stop-loss levels accordingly.
  3. News and Events: Economic and geopolitical news can significantly impact oil prices. Day traders should stay informed about major events, such as OPEC meetings, inventory reports, and geopolitical tensions, to anticipate potential price swings.
  4. Scalping and Momentum Strategies: Scalping involves making quick trades to capture small price movements, while momentum strategies capitalize on trends. These techniques require quick decision-making and a keen understanding of price momentum.
  5. Risk Management: Effective risk management is crucial in day trading. Setting stop-loss orders, defining maximum loss thresholds, and managing position sizes can help traders protect their capital.

Trading Crude Oil Options on Futures

Options on futures provide traders with the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a futures contract at a specific price (strike price) on or before a certain date (expiration date). Trading crude oil options on futures allows for more flexibility and risk management.

  1. Hedging Strategies: Crude oil options can be used for hedging purposes, allowing producers and consumers to protect themselves against price fluctuations. For example, a crude oil producer can purchase put options to hedge against a potential price decline.
  2. Directional Strategies: Traders can also use options to speculate on the future price direction of crude oil. Buying call options can provide exposure to potential price increases, while buying put options can provide exposure to potential price decreases.
  3. Spread Strategies: Option spreads involve trading multiple options contracts simultaneously to capitalize on price differentials. Calendar spreads and vertical spreads are common strategies that can be used to take advantage of volatility or time decay.
  4. Implied Volatility Considerations: Implied volatility reflects the market’s expectation of future price volatility. Traders should be aware of implied volatility levels, as it can impact option prices. High implied volatility may make options more expensive.

Cannon Trading Company: Customer Service and TrustPilot Rating

Cannon Trading Company is a brokerage firm known for its services in facilitating various types of trading, including crude oil futures and options on futures. The company’s commitment to customer service plays a crucial role in assisting traders as they navigate the complexities of the commodities markets.

Customer Service Excellence: Cannon Trading Company prides itself on providing exceptional customer service. Their experienced brokers offer personalized assistance, market insights, and trading strategies to help clients make informed decisions.

TrustPilot Rating: The company’s high TrustPilot rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars is a testament to its dedication to customer satisfaction. TrustPilot is a platform where customers can share their experiences with businesses. Such a high rating indicates that customers have found value in Cannon Trading Company’s services and have had positive interactions with their team.

Trading crude oil futures presents opportunities for both institutional and individual traders to capitalize on the volatility and price movements in the energy markets. Understanding the nuances of different crude oil types, utilizing relevant exchanges, and employing effective day trading techniques can help traders navigate this complex market. Moreover, trading options on crude oil futures offers additional strategies for risk management and speculation. As exemplified by Cannon Trading Company’s customer service and high TrustPilot rating, choosing the right brokerage partner can enhance the trading experience and provide valuable support to traders of all levels.

Ready to start trading futures? Call 1(800)454-9572 and speak to one of our experienced, Series-3 licensed futures brokers and start your futures trading journey with Cannon Trading Company today.

DisclaimerTrading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  Past performance is not indicative of future results. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time.

Energies Insight w/ OPEC and Futures Support and Resistance Levels 01.04.2022

January 3rd, 2022 Filed under Energy Futures, Future Trading News | Comment (0)

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Happy and prosperous New Year from the Cannon Trading Team!
We appreciate the chance to serve your futures trading needs and are here to assist.

Energies Insight by John Thorpe, Senior Broker

O.P.E.C. will make a decision on output policy for February when they meet tomorrow. Please expect and prepare accordingly in the early A.M. and anticipate additional volatility not only in the energy markets , CL, NG, RBOB and Heating oil but also in the Equity indices ES, MES, NQ, MNQ, YM, MYM, RTY , and food markets as OPEC will be meeting in Vienna at 8a.m. EST (1 p.m. Central European TIme zone ) in light of the current restrictions and challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, please find the expected hours of release useful. Will their decision add to the existing inflationary concerns or will OPEC concede it’s output tightening instituted in 2020 has run it’s course and agree to raise it’s output limits in a measured approach or more substantially? The bond market has taken a nose dive in recent days and interest rates are expected to rise , tightening credit, Metals have also sold off in anticipation of easing inflationary pressures. Manage your risk well this week.
1. The 36th JMMC Meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 4 January 2022, at
13:00 (CET) via videoconference.
2. On the same day, 4 January 2022, the 24th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting
is slated to convene at 14:00 (CET) via videoconference.



Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time when it comes to Futures Trading.


Futures Trading Levels


Futures Support and Resistance Levels 1.04.2022

Economic Reports, Source: 


This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

Gold Chart Review and Outlook & Support and Resistance Levels 10.29.2021

October 28th, 2021 Filed under Crude Oil, Future Trading News, futures trading education | Comment (0)

Dear Traders,

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*Heads up: Start trading January beans – November beans entering first notice day.
You should be already trading December natural gas.

Gold Daily Chart below…..

Potential long signal was generated today( based on personal technical factors I use) – Looking at the quote below, my biggest battle in this hypothetical example would be:
  1. Entry level ( market? wait for lower price? enter if price breaks above?)
  2. Exit in case of loss
  3. Exit in case of profit
  4. Trade size?
  5. If at a loss will I exit all? or in parts?
  6. If profit achieved will I exit part of the trade? ( assuming I am trading more than 1 contract or perhaps MICROS)
  7. Do I need to bring stop to breakeven at any point ( if certain profit achieved?)
Obviously the answer to all of the above will change from trader to trader but bringing these points up can hopefully help you approach trading from a different angle.
“Every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought.”
Sun Tzu
The Art of War
This passage – dating back the 6th century B.C. – can aptly be applied to trading futures. Prepare for each trade. Set your risk. If the initial outcome is favorable, use your enemy’s resources (move your stop) to sustain your trading.
Don’t engage in extended battles (over trade) and consume your resources (money, time, mental energy).
Your “enemy,” (the market) only has the power to destroy your account if you let it.
Gold Futures Chart

Good Trading

Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time when it comes to Futures Trading.


Futures Trading Levels



Economic Reports, source: 


This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

Free Course – An Introduction to Crude Oil & Support and Resistance Levels 10.13.2021

October 12th, 2021 Filed under Crude Oil, Future Trading News | Comment (0)

Dear Traders,

Get Real Time updates and more on our private FB group!

Trading 101: Free Course – An Introduction to Crude Oil

Today’s energy crude oil market is truly global. From West Texas Intermediate (WTI) to Brent and DME Oman, the crude oil market fuels many of the world’s leading economies and impact nearly every nation. Energy crude oil futures and options provide the tools the industry needs to manage risk. Explore the key concepts and structure of today’s energy markets, including the factors that affect supply and demand and move prices. Learn how to use these instruments to hedge exposure and unlock opportunities
  • WTI Overview
  • Understanding Crude Oil in the USA
  • Importance of Cushing, Oklahoma
  • Understanding European Crude Oil
  • Understanding Crude Oil Across Asian Region
  • And Much More!

Good Trading

Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time when it comes to Futures Trading.


Futures Trading Levels



Economic Reports, source: 


This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

Weekly Newsletter #1053 Trading Signals Directly to your Inbox, Crude Oil Recap & Trading Levels for Week Ahead 6.7.2021

June 4th, 2021 Filed under Weekly Newsletter | Comment (0)

Cannon Futures Weekly Newsletter Issue # 1053

Dear Traders,

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VAREA Signal Trading Alerts

Directly to your Inbox!

  • A dynamic research tool for Futures traders based on revolutionary algorithmic IP. Experienced management team has combined decades of trading experience with superior programming capability to produce this unparalleled algorithmic trading product.
  • Daily email to traders identifying trading opportunities (signals) on more than 20 specific tickers per a discrete set of rules and conditions/algorithms.
  • Packages are signals only (Basic, $99/month) or signals with execution suggestions by VAREA trading specialists (Premium, $199/month) and get a free month of the Premium product when you sign up. Contact your broker for implementation instructions to get you started.

Market Pick Review for the Week:

Crude Oil Weekly Chart
The market trading against resistance on the weekly chart. Failure at these levels can generate a quick sell off, a break above $70 can trigger the next leg up.
Crude Oil Weekly Chart
Good Trading

Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time when it comes to Futures Trading.


Futures Trading Levels



Weekly Levels

Reports, First Notice (FN), Last trading (LT) Days for the Week:

Date Reports/Expiration Notice Dates

This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts herein contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading

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