Grain Futures News & Information on Cannon Trading

Grain Futures

Category Archives: Grain Futures

Different grains are traded on the Index, as commodities. Wheat, corn, soybeans, canola and soybean meal are just a few examples. They can be either a short-hedge or a long-hedge. One of the most traded grain futures is corn.

Basically, buying or selling these forms of futures enables the buyers and sellers to lock in prices of the specified grain today for the items that are to be delivered in the future. Therefore, all those who are interested in grains futures must track the performance of the grain on the demand and supply graph as well as its performance on the index. Though it is not tough to understand grains futures, the calculation of risk and returns is something that an average person may leave for an expert to do.

We at Cannon Trading are there to help you to not just understand the markets well, but to act as your personal advisors when it comes to trading futures. And, that’s something that applies for grain futures as well. However, information and awareness come before anything else. That is why, we want you to read through all of these blogs and articles carefully before you decide whether you want to trade grain futures or not.

Weather Markets, Economic Data & Earnings Report | Cannon Trading

April 29th, 2024 Filed under Commodity Brokers, Commodity Trading, Day Trading, Future Trading News, Futures Broker, Futures Trading, Grain Futures | Comment (0)

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Weather markets, Economic data and earnings reports creating Volatility in many market: Week Ahead


by John Thorpe, Senior Broker

  • FOMC Rate Announcement Wed.
  • Heavy Earnings, AMZN and AMD Tues, AAPL Thur. all after the close
  • Heavy Data, Chicago PMI, Consumer Confidence, Construction Spending, ISM Manufacturing PMI, Jobless Claims and NON FARM Payrolls to cap off the week on Fri. , preopening



After a record setting rally in the Cocoa market this year due to a number of factors including dry weather, disease and shuttering of processing plants due to a lack of a meaningful crop; the cocoa market reversed course today and literally melted down to a 3 week low as a shift toward wetter weather over the west African growing region pushed the Price of July Cocoa under the 21 day moving average of $101.16. Highs of $117.92 were reached 10 days ago only to see the market today close down $14.51 TO $91.73 and if you are counting, today’s move alone was a whopping $14,510.00 lower than Friday’s closing price. That’s a Weather market!


Domestically Wheat was Up 10% last week and down 2.25% today, that’s still 28 cents above it’s 21 day moving average.



Here is a worthy read about the “Nature of Weather Markets”

Historically, a pivotal timeframe for the grain futures markets has been right around the U.S. Independence Day holiday in early July. Existing price trends in the grain futures markets can be reversed or accelerated during this critical juncture of the U.S. growing season–especially for corn. Indeed, mid- to late-July typically finds the hottest weather of the year in the Corn Belt. This time period coincides with the extreme-heat-sensitive pollination stage of corn crop development. August is the most critical growing month for U.S. soybeans.

Says Conrad Leslie, the longtime and highly respected crop forecaster and market commentator: “Following the July Fourth holiday period, those who are interested in soybean and corn prices and production estimates look to the skies for the next two months for weather developments. Historical statistics indicate crops can either improve or decline….”

As an historical example, 1988 was a major drought year in the Midwest that saw corn and soybean futures prices skyrocket. It was on a Friday in July that saw corn and soybean futures prices trade sharply higher, based on ideas the hot and dry weather would continue in the U.S. Corn Belt. Then, after the close of grain futures Friday afternoon, the National Weather Service issued its 6-10 day forecast that, sure enough, called for more hot and dry weather for the Corn Belt. Corn and soybean bulls confidently headed home for the weekend.

On Monday morning, the updated weather forecasts had changed a bit, but more importantly, trader psychology had changed immensely. The drought and resulting poor U.S. corn and soybean yields had all been factored into the market with prior price gains, culminating with that Friday’s big push higher. Corn and bean markets traded limit down on Monday and recorded very sharp losses for around three days in a row.

One trader who used contrary opinion thinking during that timeframe purchased put options on corn futures that Friday in which prices were pushing higher. He made a good deal of money that next week.

Weather markets in grains many times provide a classic example of futures traders “factoring in” fundamental events well before they actually occur. For example, in the big drought year of 1988, the soybean crop was most damaged during the months of July and August. Yet, futures prices that year topped out the third week in June.

Finally, trading the grains in a summertime weather market can be just plain fun. Those traders who don’t have expensive “real-time” newswire feeds or other connections right to the trading floor of the Chicago Board of Trade can still log-in to the internet and go to CannonTradings website for daily price and news updates. Or you can listen to the Midwest weather forecasts and ag news on the radio–or look at weather maps on the weather websites on the Internet.


Daily Levels for April 30th, 2024

Economic Reports
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All times are Eastern Time ( New York)

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* This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

GDP Tomorrow, Earnings Season in Full Play  + Levels for April 25th

April 24th, 2024 Filed under Charts & Indicators, Commodity Brokers, Commodity Trading, Corn Futures, Day Trading, Future Trading News, Futures Broker, Futures Trading, Grain Futures | Comment (0)

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A few tips for tomorrow:

  • If you are trading stock index futures, note price action has been VERY choppy during the day session as most earnings come out after the close…
  • Coffee and Coca volatility is as high as I have seen in recent months. Large intraday and overnight moves in both, as much as +/- 8% per day!
  • We have GDP and home sales tomorrow.
  • Big pullback in both silver and gold and the key question is: Was this profit taking/ deflation of geo political fear and GOOD entry to the long side? OR…is this the near term top for both markets??
  • Corn daily chart for your review below.



Daily Levels for April 25th, 2024

Economic Reports
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All times are Eastern Time ( New York)

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* This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

Coffee Outlook, Beige Book and Crude Oil Numbers + Levels for April 17th

April 16th, 2024 Filed under Charts & Indicators, Commodity Brokers, Commodity Trading, Day Trading, Future Trading News, Futures Broker, Futures Trading, Grain Futures, Indices | Comment (0)

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Powell spoke and stock index futures traded in a volatile, zig zag type of trading most of the day unable to break one way or the other and closing near the unchange.

On the daily chart, both the SP and NASDAQ are noticing more pressure to the downside.

One of the keys for day Traders is to try and establish early on what type of day trading environment they are in.

Is this going to be a trend day it is this going to be a choppy low volatility trading day? is the day unfolding has a potential to be a volatile two-sided type of trading day?

Being aware of the top of trading day that is unfolding in front of you can help you decide which strategies to apply on that trading day.

Knowing what reports are coming out. the general direction of the long term charts can help you.

Different strategies will work better in different type of trading environments.

On a different note, softs, i.e. Cocoa, cotton, Coffee , Sugar, OJ are experiencing much higher volatility than historical norms. Cocoa just dropped close to 8% today after trading above the historical mark of $100 per metric ton.

below you will see a daily chart of Coffee futures and possible future direction.





Daily Levels for April 17th, 2024

Economic Reports
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All times are Eastern Time ( New York)

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* This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

How Important is Hedging for Farmers? + Levels for April 16th

April 15th, 2024 Filed under Charts & Indicators, Commodity Brokers, Commodity Trading, Day Trading, Future Trading News, Futures Broker, Futures Trading, Grain Futures | Comment (0)

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This week we will see a number of fed speakers,


Live @ 12:15CDT Link to Discussion With Jerome Powell we are providing this link for those that will watch the market and listen simultaneously


A bit of a departure from the usual Monday blog bites. The planting season in the northern hemisphere is under way so a quick review of the importance of Hedging follows:

How Important is Hedging for Farmers?

For farmers, especially those involved in producing commodities like wheat, corn, soybeans, and livestock, the prices of these products can fluctuate significantly due to various factors such as weather conditions, global demand, geopolitical events, and market speculation. These fluctuations can directly impact a farmer’s profitability and financial stability. Here’s why hedging is so important:

  • Price Stability: Futures trading allows farmers to lock in prices for their produce or livestock at predetermined levels, providing them with a sense of stability and predictability in their revenue streams.
  • Risk Management: By hedging, farmers can protect themselves against adverse price movements. For example, if a farmer expects the price of corn to decrease before their harvest, they can take a short position in corn futures to offset potential losses.
  • Budgeting and Planning: Knowing the approximate revenue from their crops or livestock enables farmers to budget effectively, plan future investments, and manage expenses with more confidence.
  • Access to Capital: Having predictable revenue streams through hedging can make it easier for farmers to secure financing from lenders as they demonstrate a more stable financial outlook.
  • Competitive Advantage: Farmers who hedge can often compete more effectively in the market by offering consistent pricing to buyers, thereby securing long-term contracts and relationships.
  • Futures trading serves as a powerful tool for farmers to manage price risk and ensure a more stable financial outlook. By hedging their crops like wheat, corn, soybeans, and livestock, farmers can mitigate the impact of market volatility, plan their budgets effectively, and compete more confidently in the agricultural sector. Understanding and implementing various hedging strategies empower farmers to navigate unpredictable market conditions while safeguarding their profitability.




Daily Levels for April 16th, 2024

Economic Reports
provided by:
All times are Eastern Time ( New York)

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* This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

Weekly Newsletter: Understanding Price Banding, May Bean Oil Outlook and Automated Gold System

March 15th, 2024 Filed under Charts & Indicators, Commodity Brokers, Commodity Trading, Day Trading, Energy Futures, Future Trading News, Futures Broker, Futures Trading, Gold Futures, Grain Futures, Weekly Newsletter | Comment (0)

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Cannon Futures Weekly Letter Issue # 1186

In this issue:
  •  Important Notices – FOMC Next Week
  • Trading Resource of the Week – Understanding Price Limits and Banding
  • Hot Market of the Week – May Bean Oil
  • Broker’s Trading System of the Week – Gold Swing System
  • Trading Levels for Next Week
  • Trading Reports for Next Week


Important Notices –

  • FOMC Meeting next week. Announcement on Wednesday.
  • Light data most of the week. Housing sales
  • Very few earnings
  • June is front month for indices, currencies and financials.: M = June
  • USA is on daylight savings time – most international countries have NOT changed yet.



Trading Resource of the Week : What are Price Limits and Price Banding? by

As a trader, you want to know that there are mechanisms in place to ensure an orderly market. A regulated marketplace like CME Group provides this order by setting price limits and price banding.
Price Limits
Price limits are the maximum price range permitted for a futures contract in each trading session. These price limits are measured in ticks and vary from product to product. When markets hit the price limit, different actions occur depending on the product being traded. Some markets may temporarily halt until price limits can be expanded or trading may be stopped for the day based on regulatory rules. Different futures contracts will have different price limit rules; i.e. Equity Index futures have different rules than Agricultural futures.
Equity Indexes futures have a three level expansion: 7%, 13% and 20% to the downside, and a 7% limit up and down in overnight trading.
When price reaches any of those levels the market will go limit up or limit down.
Calculating Price Limits
Price limits are re-calculated daily and remain in effect for all trading days except in certain physically-deliverable markets, where price limits are lifted prior to expiration so that futures prices are not prevented from converging on prices for the underlying commodity.
Typically, Agricultural futures will go limit up or down most often compared to Equity Index futures which very rarely if ever go limit up or down. When trading a specific product, it is important to be aware of price limits and the mechanisms that occur when limits are hit. Traders also know that it is possible for limits to be reached for more than one session in a row, however the expansion of limit thresholds over the last few years have reduced this occurrence.
Price Banding
Price banding is a similar mechanism which subjects all orders to price validation and rejects orders outside the given band to maintain orderly markets. Bands are calculated dynamically for each product based on the last price, plus or minus a fixed band value. Thus, if markets quickly move in one direction, the price bands dynamically adjust to accommodate new trading ranges.
The rules for each market can be found on
It is important to note that traders can place trades outside the daily price limits. These trades will be executed when price limits and price bands move within the specified range. So, traders still have the ability to place good-til-canceled or good-til-date orders inside and outside daily price limits.
In the last few years there are fewer and fewer times that markets will actually go limit up or down, but it is important to be aware of these pricing rules when you trade.



  • Hot Market of the Week – May Bean Oil
Hot market of the week is provided by QT Market Center, A Swiss army knife charting package that’s not just for Hedgers, Cooperatives and Farmers alike but also for Spread traders, Swing traders and shorter time frame application for intraday traders with a unique proprietary indicator that can be applied to your specific trading needs.
May Bean Oil
The rally in May soybean oil accelerated to its second upside PriceCount objective and now the chart is correcting. At this point, IF you can resume the rally with new sustained highs, the third count would project a possible run to the 50.87 area.
PriceCounts – Not about where we’ve been , but where we might be going next!
The PriceCount study is a tool that can help to project the distance of a move in price. The counts are not intended to be an ‘exact’ science but rather offer a target area for the four objectives which are based off the first leg of a move with each subsequent count having a smaller percentage of being achieved. It is normal for the chart to react by correcting or consolidating at an objective and then either resuming its move or reversing trend. Best utilized in conjunction with other technical tools, PriceCounts offer one more way to analyze charts and help to manage your positions and risk. Learn more at
Trading in futures, options, securities, derivatives or OTC products entails significant risks which must be understood prior to trading and may not be appropriate for all investors. Past performance of actual trades or strategies is not necessarily indicative of future results.
  • Broker’s Trading System of the Week

With algorithmic trading systems becoming more prevalent in portfolio diversification, the following system has been selected as the broker’s choice for this month.
Spartan Gold
USD 75 / monthly
Recommended Cannon Trading Starting Capital
The performance shown above is hypothetical in that the chart represents returns in a model account. The model account rises or falls by the average single contract profit and loss achieved by clients trading actual money pursuant to the listed system’s trading signals on the appropriate dates (client fills), or if no actual client profit or loss available – by the hypothetical single contract profit and loss of trades generated by the system’s trading signals on that day in real time (real‐time) less slippage, or if no real time profit or loss available – by the hypothetical single contract profit and loss of trades generated by running the system logic backwards on back adjusted data. Please read full disclaimer HERE.
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Daily Levels for March 18th 2024

Trading Reports for Next Week

First Notice (FN), Last trading (LT) Days for the Week:

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* This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

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