Trading Futures: 5 Big Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid Making

June 30th, 2017 Newsletter

Trading Futures: 5 Big Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid Making article that was published on along with US bonds chart outlook and 4th of July trading hours

June 30, 2017 - Issue #882

In This Issue

1. Trading 101: 5 Big Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid Making
2. Hot Market report: U.S. T-Bond Prices Back Down from Contract High
3. Economic Calendar

Fourth of July Trading Schedule - Have a Safe Holiday!!

1. Trading 101: 5 Big Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid Making

Trading futures is a tough business, but if you are one of the very few that can succeed, this could be a lucrative business as well


Ilan Levy-Mayer | June,2017 |SmallCapPowerI have seen quite a bit since I became a broker in 1998. Some war stories to share about the markets, some crazy moves and much more in between. I was trading futures with clients on the sad Sept. 11th 2001 day when the planes hit and the markets were plunging before they were closed for almost a week. I witnessed the meat contracts making limit up and limit down moves over the years and much more…..

As a commodity broker I have observed MANY traders, many of them were new traders, and this allows me to share with you some valuable observations I hope will help you start your futures trading journey on a much smoother road than most.

Here are the FIVE CRUICIAL MISTAKES you need to avoid!

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2. Hot Market report: U.S. T-Bond Prices Back Down from Contract High

From our friend Jim Wyckoff at

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treasury bond futures; The the U.S. Treasury bond futures market early this week hit a contract high, but then it was all downhill from there. A major feature in the world marketplace this week was the rout in global bond markets, on ideas of tighter monetary policies coming from the world's major central banks and led by the U.S.

3. Economic Calendar

Source: Moore Research Center, Inc.

Date Reports Expiration & Notice Dates
7:30 AM CDT - PCE Prices(May)
7:30 AM CDT - PCE Prices-Core(May)
7:30 AM CDT - Personal Income & Spending(May)
8:45 AM CDT - Chicago PMI(Jun)
9:00 AM CDT - Michigan Sentiment-Final(Jun)
11:00 AM CDT - Grain Stocks
11:00 AM CDT - Planted Acreage
FN: Jul Gold & Silver(CMX)
Jul Platinum & Palladium(NYM)
Jul Canola(CBT)
Jul Wheat(CBT)
Jul Oats(CBT)
Jul Rough Rice(CBT)
Jul Corn(CBT)
Jul Soybeans,Soymeal,Soyoil(CBT)
LT: Jun 2,5 Year Notes(CBT)
Jun Fed Funds(CME)
Jun Live Cattle(CME)
Jul Sugar-11(ICE)
Jun Fed Funds Options(CME)
Jul Lumber Options(CME)

9:00 AM CDT - Construction Spending(May)
9:00 AM CDT - ISM Index(Jun)
1:00 PM CDT - Auto & Truck Sales(Jun)
FN: Jul Orange Juice(ICE)
Jul Sugar-11(ICE)


6:00 AM CDT - MBA Mortgage Purchase Index
9:00 AM CDT - Factory Orders(May)
11:00 AM CDT - Cotton System
11:00 AM CDT - Fats & Oils
1:00 PM CDT - FOMC Minutes
2:00 PM CDT - Grain Crushings
3:30 PM CDT - API Energy Stocks
6:30 AM CDT - Challenger Job Cuts(Jun)
7:15 AM CDT - ADP Employment Change(Jun)
7:30 AM CDT - Initial Claims-Weekly
7:30 AM CDT - Trade Balance(May)
7:30 AM CDT - Int Trade In Goods(May)
9:00 AM CDT - ISM Services(Jun)
9:30 AM CDT - EIA Natural Gas Report
10:00 AM CDT - EIA Petroleum Status Report
2:00 PM CDT - Dairy Products Sales
3:30 PM CDT - Money Supply

7:30 AM CDT - USDA Weekly Export Sales
7:30 AM CDT - Ave Workweek & Hourly Earnings(Jun)
7:30 AM CDT - Nonfarm Payrolls(Jun)
7:30 AM CDT - Unemployment Rate(Jun)
LT: Jul Cotton(CME)
Jul Canadian Dollar Options(CME)
Jul Currencies Options(CME)
Jul Mx Peso Options(CME)
Jul Live Cattle Options(CME)
Jul US Dollar Options(ICE)
Aug Cocoa Options(ICE)
2:00 PM CDT - Consumer Credit(May)

9:00 AM CDT - Wholesale Inventories(May)
3:30 PM CDT - API Energy Stocks
LT: Jul Orange Juice(ICE)
6:00 AM CDT - MBA Mortgage Purchase Index
9:30 AM CDT - EIA Petroleum Status Report
11:00 AM CDT - WASDE Report & Crop Production
1:00 PM CDT - Fed's Beige Book(Jul)
2:00 PM CDT - Dairy Product Sales

7:30 AM CDT - USDA Weekly Export Sales
7:30 AM CDT - Initial Claims-Weekly
7:30 AM CDT - Core PPI & PPI(Jun)
9:30 AM CDT - EIA Natural Gas Report
3:30 AM CDT - Money Supply

FN=First Notice, OE=Option Expiration, LT=Last Trade

Disclaimer: This calendar is compiled from sources believed to be reliable. Moore Research Center, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. It is meant as an alert to events that may affect trading strategies and is not necessarily complete. The release dates for certain economic reports may have been rescheduled.

* Please note that the information contained in this letter is intended for clients, prospective clients, and audiences who have a basic understanding, familiarity, and interest in the futures markets.

** The material contained in this letter is of opinion only and does not guarantee any profits. These are risky markets and only risk capital should be used. Past performances are not necessarily indicative of future results.

*** This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts herein contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading!

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