Futures Markets Chart Patterns and TBonds Outlook

August 25th, 2017 Newsletter

Futures Markets Chart Patterns and TBonds Outlook

August 25, 2017 - Issue #888

In This Issue

1. Trading 202: Recognizing Chart Patterns
2. Hot Market report: T-Bond Bulls in Technical Control
3. Economic Calendar

1. Recognizing Chart Patterns

Before Your next Trade, learn to recognize charts and patterns!

Learning the different types of charts and patterns will be another arsenal in your Trading Tools!

Ascending Triangle Futures Trading Chart Pattern

What is an Ascending Triangle Futures Chart Pattern?

Ascending Triangles isolated An ascending triangle is a bullish futures pattern that can indicate a breakout in the upwards direction.

How do I Recognize an Ascending Triangle Futures Chart Pattern?

An ascending triangle is formed when resistance remains flat and support rises.

See the example below:

Ascending Triangles example

What Does a Ascending Triangle Chart Pattern Mean?

The price will rise and fall within[-] the triangle until support and resistance converge. At that point, the apex, breakout occurs, usually upwards.

Broadening Top Futures Trading Chart Pattern

What is a Broadening Top Futures Chart Pattern?

Broadening Top isolated A broadening top is a futures chart pattern that can occur on an upwards trend. It is generally classified as a reversal pattern but some traders argue that there is approximately a 50/50 split between whether it tends to move upwards or downwards upon completion of the pattern. For this reason, it can often be avoided by traders. It can be viewed as the opposite of a symmetrical triangle.

How Do I Recognize a Broadening Top Futures Chart Pattern?

A broadening top is comprised of diverging support and resistance lines and resembles a megaphone. The rising resistance line and falling support line continue until the trend reverses.

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Recognizing Charts & Patterns

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2. T-Bond Bulls in Technical Control

From our friend Jim Wyckoff at JimWyckoff.com

Click on image below to enlarge

bonds futures; The U.S. Treasury bond futures market has been trending higher since early July and late this week hit a two-month high. The bond market bulls are in near-term technical control, which means the path of least resistance for prices will remain sideway to higher in the near term. Also, any geopolitical flare-ups will support flight-to-quality demand for U.S. Treasuries. .

3. Economic Calendar

Source: Moore Research Center, Inc.

Date Reports Expiration & Notice Dates
7:30 AM CDT - Durable Goods-Ex Transportation(Jul)
7:30 AM CDT - Durable Orders(Jul)
2:00 PM CDT - Cattle On Feed
LT: Sep 2,5,10 Year Notes Options(CBT)
Sep Bonds Options(CBT)
Sep Canola Options(CBT)
Sep Wheat Options(CBT)
Sep Corn Options(CBT)
Sep Rough Rice Options(CBT)
Sep Oats Options(CBT)
Sep Soybeans,Soymeal,Soyoil Options(CBT)

LT: Sep Copper Options(CMX)
Sep Gold & Silvers Options(CMX)
Sep Natural Gas Options(NYM)
Sep RBOB & ULSD Options(NYM)
9:00 AM CDT - Consumer Confidence(Aug)
3:30 PM CDT - API Energy Stocks
LT: Aug Butter(CME)
Aug Milk(CME)
Aug Copper(CMX)
Aug Gold & Silver(CMX)
Aug Platinum & Palladium(NYM)
Sep Natural Gas(NYM)
Aug Butter Options(CME)
Aug Milk Options(CME)
6:00 AM CDT - MBA Mortgage Applications Index
7:15 AM CDT - ADP Employment Change(Aug)
7:30 AM CDT - GDP-Second Estimate(Q2)
7:30 AM CDT - GDP Deflator-Second Estimate(Q2)
9:30 AM CDT - EIA Petroleum Status Report
2:00 PM CDT - Diary Products Sales
FN: Sep Natural Gas(NYM)
6:30 AM CDT - Challenger Job Cuts(Aug)
7:30 AM CDT - USDA Weekly Export Sales
7:30 AM CDT - Initial Claims-Weekly
7:30 AM CDT - PCE Prices(Jul)
7:30 AM CDT - PCE Prices-Core(Jul)
7:30 AM CDT - Personal Income & Spending(Jul)
8:45 AM CDT - Chicago PMI(Aug)
9:00 AM CDT - Pending Home Sales(Jul)
9:30 AM CDT - EIA Natural Gas Report
3:30 PM CDT - Money Supply
FN: Sep 2,5,10 Year Notes(CBT)
Sep Bonds(CBT)
Sep Copper(CMX)
Sep Gold & Silver(CMX)
Sep Platinum & Palladium(NYM)
Sep Wheat(CBT)
Sep Oats(CBT)
Sep Corn(CBT)
Sep Rough Rice(CBT)
Sep Soybeans,Soymeal,Soyoil(CBT)
LT: Aug Feeder Cattle(CME)
Aug Fed Funds(CME)
Aug Live Cattle(CME)
Aug Feeder Cattle Options(CME)
Aug Fed Funds Options(CME)
Sep Lumber Options(CME)
7:30 AM CDT - Ave Workweek & Hourly Earnings(Aug)
7:30 AM CDT - Nonfarm Payrolls(Aug)
7:30 AM CDT - Unemployment Rate(Aug)
9:00 AM CDT - Construction Spending(Jul)
9:00 AM CDT - ISM Index(Aug)
9:00 AM CDT - Michigan Sentiment-Final(Aug)
1:00 PM CDT - Auto & Truck Sales(Aug)
2:00 PM CDT - Cotton System
2:00 PM CDT - Fats & Oils
2:00 PM CDT - Grain Crushings
FN: Sep Orange Juice(ICE)
LT: Sep Live Cattle Options(CME)
Oct Cocoa Options((ICE)

9:00 AM CDT - Factory Orders(Jul)
7:30 AM CDT - Trade Balance(Jul)
9:00 AM CDT - ISM Services(Aug)
1:00 PM CDT - Fed's Beige Book(Sep)
3:30 PM CDT - API Energy Stocks

7:30 AM CDT - Initial Claims-Weekly
7:30 AM CDT - Productivity-Rev(Q2)
9:30 AM CDT - EIA Natural Gas Report
10:00 AM CDT - EIA Petroleum Status Report
2:00 PM CDT - Consumer Credit(Jul)
2:00 PM CDT - Dairy Products Sales
3:30 PM CDT - Money Supply
LT: Sep Nikkei(CME)
Sep Nikkei Options(CME)

FN=First Notice, OE=Option Expiration, LT=Last Trade

Disclaimer: This calendar is compiled from sources believed to be reliable. Moore Research Center, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. It is meant as an alert to events that may affect trading strategies and is not necessarily complete. The release dates for certain economic reports may have been rescheduled.

* Please note that the information contained in this letter is intended for clients, prospective clients, and audiences who have a basic understanding, familiarity, and interest in the futures markets.

** The material contained in this letter is of opinion only and does not guarantee any profits. These are risky markets and only risk capital should be used. Past performances are not necessarily indicative of future results.

*** This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts herein contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading!

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