Futures Trading Levels and Economic Reports for August 21, 2013

Support & Resistance Levels

This Blog provides futures market outlook for different commodities and futures trading markets, mostly stock index futures, as well as support and resistance levels for Crude Oil futures, Gold futures, Euro currency and others. At times the daily trading blog will include educational information about different aspects of commodity and futures trading.

Futures Trading Levels and Economic Reports for August 21, 2013

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1. Market Commentary
2. Futures Support and Resistance Levels – S&P, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, Russell 2000, Dollar Index
3. Commodities Support and Resistance Levels – Gold, Euro, Crude Oil, T-Bonds
4. Commodities Support and Resistance Levels – Corn, Wheat, Beans, Silver
5. Futures Economic Reports for Wednesday August 21, 2013

Hello Traders,

For 2013 I would like to wish all of you discipline and patience in your trading! 


FOMC minutes tomorrow should bring some additional volatility to the markets and in my opinion will either confirm another leg down or not.


In between, a little tip that I find useful and wanted to share with you:



It is a known fact that fear and greed can be one of your worst enemies.


One way I found that helped some clients to deal with the fear and greed and its related cousin, “getting out of winners too soon and staying in losers too long…” is entering multiple contracts when getting into a day-trade.


Obviously, one has to have the appropriate risk capital, margin requirements to do so but the advantage of trading more than one “unit” or splitting your trading size into two or more parts is as such:


If you enter a trade with one contract ( or if you are treating your trading size as one unit, meaning you enter a trade with 4 contracts and exit the trade with 4 contracts, that is considered treating your trading size as one unit), you can face a very quick dilemma, especially when day-trading. You get in and very quickly you are up 2 mini SP points….what do you do? Do you take profit? Bring your stop loss closer? How do you avoid getting out too early or too late?

On the flip side, you enter a trade and it goes against rather quickly…if you get out then it is a loser and what if the market goes back up says the little devil voice in our head….

In the good case scenario when market decided to be nice to us and is moving in our direction, what I like to do it is exit half of my position relatively quick. In the case of the mini SP , around 7 ticks profit. What I found out is that will allow me to manage the rest of the trade in a much more relaxed manner since I already “locked profits in” I can now look for a proper stop, close to my breakeven level. I can analyze my next target more realistically and hopefully if the market provides room for additional gains, be in there to participate.

The same can be applied to the stop loss part. I can choose to risk a smaller amount or a tight stop on the first half of my position and a bit wider stop on the other half of the position. That can help prevent the scenario when one does not get out of a trade because mentally he or she does not want to accept the loss….



Off course there is much more to trading and day-trading. Entry signals, exit techniques, why and when to get in a trade are key but I hope that this little tip will assist you while trading and will prevent some of the instances where you get out too late or too early…..


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Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time.


Futures Trading Levels

Contract Sept. 2013  SP500 (big & Mini) Nasdaq100 (big & Mini) Dow Jones (big & Mini) Mini Russell Dollar Index
Resistance 3 1673.58 3132.00 15120 1054.30 81.89
Resistance 2 1665.17 3114.50 15083 1041.50 81.64
Resistance 1 1657.83 3098.50 15032 1033.80 81.28
Pivot 1649.42 3081.00 14995 1021.00 81.03
Support 1 1642.08 3065.00 14944 1013.30 80.67
Support 2 1633.67 3047.50 14907 1000.50 80.42
Support 3 1626.33 3031.50 14856 992.80 80.06
Contract Dec. Gold Sept. Silver Oct. Crude Oil Sept. Bonds  Sept. Euro
Resistance 3 1408.3 2447.3 108.80 132 22/32 1.3605
Resistance 2 1393.2 2389.2 107.89 132  1/32 1.3530
Resistance 1 1381.9 2344.3 106.46 131 22/32 1.3476
Pivot 1366.8 2286.2 105.55 131  1/32 1.3401
Support 1 1355.5 2241.3 104.12 130 22/32 1.3347
Support 2 1340.4 2183.2 103.21 130  1/32 1.3272
Support 3 1329.1 2138.3 101.78 129 22/32 1.3218
Contract Dec Corn Dec. Wheat Nov.Beans Dec. SoyMeal Dec. bean Oil
Resistance 3 489.3 653.5 1307.17 415.70 43.88
Resistance 2 486.0 652.0 1302.83 411.40 43.72
Resistance 1 480.8 649.0 1296.67 406.70 43.45
Pivot 477.5 647.5 1292.33 402.40 43.29
Support 1 472.3 644.5 1286.2 397.7 43.0
Support 2 469.0 643.0 1281.83 393.40 42.86
Support 3 463.8 640.0 1275.67 388.70 42.59
For complete contract specifications for the futures markets listed above click here!

5. Economic Reports


All times are Eastern time Zone (EST)


Date 4:01pm Currency Impact Detail Actual Forecast Previous Graph
WedAug 21  10:00am USD Existing Home Sales 5.15M 5.08M
10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories -1.6M -2.8M
2:00pm USD FOMC Meeting Minutes


This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts herein contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading


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