Weekly Newsletter #1132 When do I exit a trade? + Levels for February 6th 2023 - Support & Resistance Levels

Support & Resistance Levels

This Blog provides futures market outlook for different commodities and futures trading markets, mostly stock index futures, as well as support and resistance levels for Crude Oil futures, Gold futures, Euro currency and others. At times the daily trading blog will include educational information about different aspects of commodity and futures trading.

Weekly Newsletter #1132 When do I exit a trade? + Levels for February 6th 2023

Cannon Futures Weekly Newsletter Issue # 1132


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In this issue:

  • Important Notices – CME Fees Increase
  • Trading Resource of the Week – When to Exit a trade?
  • Hot Market of the Week – April Live Cattle
  • Trading Levels for Next Week
  • Trading Reports for Next Week


      • Important Notices – CME to raise fees on certain markets. Both MICROS and emini stock indices are being increased by 5 cents per side. See full list HERE.

Exiting a Trade might be more important than the entries….
“You Must Understand That There Is More Than One Path To The Top Of The Mountain.”- Miyamoto Musashi, A Book Of Five Rings: The Classic Guide To Strategy
Futures and futures options trading is a challenging activity. Moreso for those traders who look to trading as an occupation. So much thinking, contemplating, planning goes into trading – related to the markets you’re trading, the strategies that get implemented, the possible risk/reward outcomes. For someone new to trading, seeing the sum total of all the parts may be a lot to take in. Veteran traders will tell you the full picture keeps changing and can be daunting often.
When trading goes well, the trader’s energy and overall outlook is powerful, optimistic and energizing for other aspects of life. When trading goes unsuccessfully, most traders feel the pain in many ways outside of the obvious financial consequences.
Whether you’re a day trader, a position trader, a spread trader, or an option trader, some of the mental challenges and the questions to go with them are constant:
  • Where, When and how do I enter a trade?
  • How do I define risk and implement any type of risk control, like placing stop orders, or implementing some sort of option protection?
  • Where and how do I exit a trade, both in the event of a profitable trade and an unsuccessful one?
Hot market of the week is provided by QT Market Center, A swiss army knife charting package that’s not just for Hedgers, Cooperatives and Farmers alike but also for Spread traders, Swing traders and shorter time frame application for intraday traders with a unique proprietary indicator that can be applied to your specific trading needs.
PriceCounts – Not about where we’ve been , but where we might be going next!
April Live Cattle have resumed their rally into new highs. The 2nd upside PriceCount objective is near $165.
The PriceCount study is a tool that can help to project the distance of a move in price. The counts are not intended to be an ‘exact’ science but rather offer a target area for the four objectives which are based off the first leg of a move with each subsequent count having a smaller percentage of being achieved. It is normal for the chart to react by correcting or consolidating at an objective and then either resuming its move or reversing trend. Best utilized in conjunction with other technical tools, PriceCounts offer one more way to analyze charts and help to manage your positions and risk. Learn more at www.qtchartoftheday.com
Trading in futures, options, securities, derivatives or OTC products entails significant risks which must be understood prior to trading and may not be appropriate for all investors. Past performance of actual trades or strategies is not necessarily indicative of future results.


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  • Trading Levels for Next Week

Daily Levels for February 6th, 2022
#ES, #NQ, #YM, #RTY, #XBT, #GC, #SI, #CL, #ZB, #6E, #ZC, #ZW, #ZS, #ZM, #NG

#ES, #NQ, #YM, #RTY, #XBT, #GC, #SI, #CL, #ZB, #6E, #ZC, #ZW, #ZS, #ZM, #NG


Weekly Levels


  • Trading Reports for Next Week

First Notice (FN), Last trading (LT) Days for the Week:

This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts herein contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading

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Trading Tips You Can Use Right Away!

Watch 4 short videos on the topics of:
  • Using Bollinger Bands and Parabolics
  • Using range Bars for Day-Trading
  • The concept of Price Confirmation
  • How to Use Support & Resistance Levels
  • License 3 Broker at your Fingertips



