New Trading Hours for Grain Futures Starting April 8,2013

Support & Resistance Levels

This Blog provides futures market outlook for different commodities and futures trading markets, mostly stock index futures, as well as support and resistance levels for Crude Oil futures, Gold futures, Euro currency and others. At times the daily trading blog will include educational information about different aspects of commodity and futures trading.

New Trading Hours for Grain Futures Starting April 8,2013

New Trading Hours for Grain Futures Starting April 8,2013


Sunday to Friday: CME Globex trading from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 a.m. CT
Monday to Friday: Break in CME Globex trading from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. CT
Monday to Friday: Floor and CME Globex trading from 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. CT
Mini-sized Grains trades til 1:45 p.m. CT


The above sources were compiled from sources believed to be reliable.  Cannon Trading assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions.  It is meant as an alert to events that may affect trading strategies and is not necessarily complete.  The closing times for certain contracts may have been rescheduled.

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